Sarawak was an independent country govern through the TRUST given to the English Rajah since 24th September 1841. At that time, the English Rajah was the TRUSTEE for the time being of the lives, welfare and future of the people of Sarawak. To commemorate the Centenary year, in a proclamation dated 31st March 1941, nevertheless the circumstances, it seems to be right and proper then, that a step forward should be taken in the direction of the ultimate goal of the self-government of the people of Sarawak. Thus, the Nine Cardinal Principles was designed to introduce into Sarawak as a system of Government which we are convinced will contribute to the happiness, welfare and prosperity of the people.
Nine Cardinal Principles of the English Rajah, Order No. C-21 (Constitution) 1941, an order to provide for the future Government of Sarawak was made into operation on 24th September 1941. The Nine Cardinal Principles was the Will and INTENTION of the Government of Sarawak by English Rajah "to ensure that Our BELOVED SUBJECTS shall ultimately enjoy their inherent right to control their own lives and destinies."
Principle 1 stated, "That Sarawak is the heritage of Our Subjects and is held in trust by Ourselves for them." and Principle 8 stated, "That the goal of self-government shall always be kept in mind, that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the governance of themselves, and that continuous efforts shall be made to hasten the reaching of this goal by educating them in the obligations, the responsibilities, and the privileges of citizenship."
This is the one of the reason Sarawakian CANNOT vote for Malaya-based parties in Sarawak Election 2016 as Sarawakian must take a step in the direction of the ultimate goal of the self-government of the people of Sarawak to ensure that all Sarawakians shall ultimately enjoy their inherent right to control their own lives and destinies. Sarawak is the heritage of Sarawakian NOT Malayan. Furthermore, Principle 8 ensure that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the governance of themselves not by other entities such as Malayan or Malaya-based parties.
U Thant, United Nations Secretary General 1961-1971 |
According to the United Nations Malaysia Mission Report, “Final Conclusions of the Secretary-General,” on 14th September 1963 of the Secretary-General U Thant, in response to the request made by the Governments of the Federation of Malaya, the Republic of Indonesia, and the Republic of the Philippines, on 5 August 1963, he was agreed to ascertain, prior to the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia, the wishes of the people of Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak. As we can see here, the Federation of Malaya is one of the Government that made a request for such mission to Sabah and Sarawak which they certainly give the trust and confidence. So, the Federation of Malaya would obliged to follow any concluded remarks made by the mission on 14th September 1963.
The mission was asked to “ascertain, prior to the establishment of the Federation of Malaysia, the wishes of the people of Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak within the context of General Assembly resolution 1541 (XV), Principle IX of the Annex, by a fresh approach, which in the opinion of the Secretary-General is necessary to ensure complete compliance with the principle of self-determination within the requirements embodied in Principle IX.”
Concerning the integration of a non-self-governing territory with an already independent state, Principle IX provides:
“Integration should have come about in the following circumstances:
(a) The integrating territory should have attained an advanced stage of self-government with free political institutions, so that its peoples would have the capacity to make a responsible choice through informed and democratic processes;
(b) The integration should be the result of the freely expressed-wishes of the territory’s peoples acting with full knowledge of the change in their status, their wishes having been expressed through informed and democratic processes, impartially conducted and based on universal adult suffrage. The United Nations could, when it deems it necessary, supervise these processes.”
Sabah and Sarawak was integrated with the Federation of Malaya through International Trusteeship System where the Federation of Malaya became the Trustee, an obligation transferred from the British (Malaysia Act 1963 Chapter 35), while Sabah and Sarawak remained the Trust Territory. International Trusteeship System was based on the United Nations Resolution 1541 as a decolonization process. A flexible decolonization process where Sabah and Sarawak was placed since 16th September 1963 through the formation of the Federation of Malaysia.
Principle IX stated that the integrating territory of Sarawak which have attained an advanced stage of self-government on 22nd July 1963 should also have a FREE political institutions, so that its peoples would have the capacity to make a responsible choice through informed and democratic processes. The political institution in Sarawak must be FREE from Malaya as Malaya cannot INTERFERE with the progress of advancement of the self-government and self-determination of Sarawak. Malaya-based parties cannot INTERFERE with the political institution of Sarawak as this will breached the basis of the formation of Malaysia.
Resolution 2625 (XXV). Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations
Preamble of the Resolution 2625 (XXV) stated that for the Recalling the duty of States to refrain in their international relations from military, political, economic or any other form of coercion aimed against the political independence or territorial integrity of any State. The Preamble also Considering it essential that all States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.
The 3rd Principle of the Resolution 2625 (XXV) mentioned about; The duty not to intervene in matters within the domestic jurisdiction of any State, in accordance with the Charter, where No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements, are in violation of international law.
No State may use or encourage the use of economic political or any other type of measures to coerce another State in order to obtain from it the subordination of the exercise of its sovereign rights and to secure from it advantages of any kind. Also, no State shall organize, assist, foment, finance, incite or tolerate subversive, terrorist or armed activities directed towards the violent overthrow of the regime of another State, or interfere in civil strife in another State.
The use of force to deprive peoples of their national identity constitutes a violation of their inalienable rights and of the principle of non-intervention.
Every State has an inalienable right to choose its political, economic, social and cultural systems, without interference in any form by another State.
Nothing in the foregoing paragraphs shall be construed as reflecting the relevant provisions of the Charter relating to the maintenance of international peace and security.
Resolution 2625 (XXV) basically confirm that Malaya-based parties CANNOT INTERFERE with the political institution of Sarawak. Thus, Sarawakian CANNOT vote for Malaya-based parties.
Zulfaqar Sa'adi
Deputy President III
State Reform Party Sarawak (STAR)
STAR N.44 Jemoreng
You mean Umnolh
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