1. Winning P.213 Mukah Parliamentary seat in expected 2018 Malaysia General Election
2. Winning N.44 Jemoreng DUN seat in expected 2021 Sarawak Election
3. Restore, Improve and Implement Sarawak Rights and the People's Rights
4. Prospering and maintaining a Peaceful, Cultural and Diverse community
5. Implement Reforms, Solve Problems and Develop Sarawak
4. Prospering and maintaining a Peaceful, Cultural and Diverse community
5. Implement Reforms, Solve Problems and Develop Sarawak
The Ideology
Spearheading and leading the way for Sarawak aspiration of "Sarawak for Sarawakian"
Sarawak for Sarawakian
2030 Sarawak Vision
Progressive drive for a complete self-government and self-determination of Sarawak
2050 Sarawak Vision
Understanding Our Fate
Before 1841, Sarawak was part of the dominions of the Sultan of Brunei, but in romantic circumstances which there is not here space to narrate it was ceded in that year to James Brooke, who became the first Rajah of Sarawak officially on 24th September 1841. In 1863, Sarawak was recognized by Her Majesty's Government as an independent State and a British Consul was appointed in 1864. On the 5th September 1888, Sarawak became a British protectorate through an agreement between HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT and CHARLES BROOKE, SECOND RAJAH OF SARAWAK. The most important provision is Article 1, which provide that "The State of Sarawak shall continue to be governed and administered by the said Rajah Brooke and his successors as an independent state under the protection of Great Britain but such protection shall confer no right on Her Majesty's Government to interfere with the internal administration of that State further than is herein provided." It will be seen, therefore, that as far as internal administration is concerned the agreement concedes the claim of the Rajah to govern the country as an independent sovereign. Unfortunately, on 30th June 1946, Sarawak was ceded to the British and became Crown Colonies. Let the telegram messages dated 7 June 1946, from Datu Patinggi and Presidents, Malay Union and Dayak Association of Sarawak to Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke became our witness for the desire of the people of Sarawak regarding the cession event;
"Dayak and Malay communities throughout Sarawak protest against false report regarding cession. We stand resolutely against cession and strongly and wholeheartedly desire Raj of Sarawak must not be ended. We invoke Atlantic Charter points 2 and 3 to uphold our cause for sake of international justice and integrity. We request Your Highness and your honoured father to intercede to champion for retention of Sarawak's independence intact, if necessary even to United Nations Organisation till success is achieved. We pledge and reaffirm our full support and allegiance. Please contradict report detrimental to independence of Sarawak by using this statement which we freely empower Your Highness to use for broadcast or publication. If our independence is violated, what do the Atlantic Charter, United Nations' Organisation and Political Will of Sir Charles Brooke stand for?"
Sarawak was later continuing it journey into the historical timeline as a Crown Colony of the British which then lead us today into the formation of the Federation of Malaysia together with the Federation of Malaya, Singapore and North Borneo (Sabah). The ‘Grand Design’ which is today called the Federation of Malaysia was a coherent scheme of decolonisation of the participating countries especially for Sarawak and Sabah which was at that time were crown colonies. In a manner of speaking, through the formation of Malaysia, only Sarawak and Sabah were put into the decolonization process. Unlike the mainstream historical textbook which we are all acquaintance with, the 227 declassified documents of Malaysia on the end of British Empire edited by A J Stockwell expose a rougher side to the story. The documents entailed the Federation of Malaysia was the product of grudging compromise and underpinned by only fragile guarantees; its formation was peppered with resistance and that it came into being at all was regarded by many as a close-run thing. Nonetheless, Malaysia was inaugurated on 16th September 1963 but not without various special safeguards envisioned to the Borneo States (Sarawak and Sabah) which we are standing and fighting for today which is no more and no less for the betterment of Sarawak. Afterall, Sarawak for Sarawakians.
Problems and Challenges
Through the formation of the Federation of Malaysia, Sarawak was suppose to be on the right track to become a progressive, peaceful and self-governing territory with the aspiration to stand on its own in the immediate future. Today, our fate was not what it was envisioned by our forefathers with numerous negative titles – from once an aspiring independent country and now became a mere 13th state cum colony of Malaya, BN’s fixed deposit, the 3rd poorest state in Malaysia despite our weatlh and natural resources, being economically crippled by cabotage policy, Borneonisation process was denied and our rightful resources such as oil and gas savagely taken from us through Emergency Law from 1969-2012 to name the few.
Most Malaysians are clueless about the Malaysia Agreement 1963, having no idea that Malaysia was established based on the protection and safeguards for Sabah and Sarawak and these were agreed upon by the Malaya Parliament on Aug 20, 1963 and incorporated into the Malaysia Constitution. Consequently due to the public ignorant, these protection and safeguards were never honoured by Putrajaya for the last five decades. Putrajaya continues to pillage and plunder Sabah and Sarawak oil and gas wealth, choking the economy of the two states with the national cabotage policy and making them marginalised from the national mainstream development.
Reconciliation process initiated by the current governtment led by Adenan Satem clearly showed that there is indeed something wrong with the treatment on Sarawak by the Malaya cum federal government of Malaysia.
True blue Sarawakians cannot just standby, watch and let things happen! We can no longer tolerate this mess which will destroy our country and our future! We, Sarawakians, must do something.
We must wake up and act! Participate! Berjuang! We have to save our country! We have to save Sarawak, our homeland, our future! We can no longer rely on others to solve our problems. We have to shoulder this responsibility ourselves!
Kalau Bukan Kita, SIAPA LAGI?
Kalau Bukan Sekarang, BILA LAGI?
STAR, therefore, proposes the following Manifesto to bring Sarawak out of the current quagmire and move forward into a new level of advancement and empowerment.
Decolonization of Sarawak
According to the United Nations Malaysia Mission Report, "Final Conclusions of the Secretary-General," on 14th September 1963, "...I was asked to ascertain the wishes of the people “within the context of General Assembly resolution 1541 (XV), Principle IX of the Annex, by a fresh approach” which in my opinion was necessary “to ensure complete compliance with the principle of self-determination within the requirements embodied in Principle IX,” taking into consideration certain questions relating to the recent elections..."
The conclusion made by U thant, the Secretary-General of the United Nations at that time clearly finalized the purpose of the creation of the Federation of Malaysia which was later inaugurated on 16th September 1963. Here, this means that the purpose of Malaysia is for the decolonization process of Sabah and Sarawak. Understanding the mechanism of decolonization of Sarawak through the formation of Malaysia will be educated to the public through various engagement activities such as forum, debate, seminar and so on. The educational programme is no less than to comply with the General Assembly resolution 1541 (XV) Principle IX which is to ensure the “peoples would have the capacity to make a responsible choice through informed and democratic processes” and the “territory's peoples acting with full knowledge of the change in their status,”. Hereby is the Principle IX as per formation of Malaysia:-
Integration should have come about in the following circumstances:
(a) The integrating territory should have attained an advanced stage of self-government with free political institutions, so that its peoples would have the capacity to make a responsible choice through informed and democratic processes;
(6) The integration should be the result of the freely expressed wishes of the territory's peoples acting with full knowledge of the change in their status, their wishes having been expressed through informed and democratic processes, impartially conducted and based on universal adult suffrage. The United Nations could, when it deems it necessary, supervise these processes.
Thus, it is our interest to educate the people the meaning of the formation of Malaysia especially regarding our change of status through the formation of Malaysia. It is also our intention to accelerate our progress to achieve a “full measure of self-government” as embodied in Principle II of the such resolution as per formation of Malaysia where:-
Chapter XI of the Charter embodies the concept of Non-Self-Governing Territories in a dynamic state of evolution and progress towards a "full measure of self-government". As soon as a territory and its peoples attain a full measure of self-government, the obligation ceases. Until this comes about, the obligation to transmit information under Article 73 e continues.
It is agreeable that Sarawak achieve a “full measure of self-government” on 22nd July 1963, but we need to keep in our mind that the decolonization process of Sarawak through General Assembly resolution 1541 putting us in a dynamic state of evolution and progress toward such status only if the Federation of Malaysia moving in-line and abiding with the IGC Report and Malaysia Agreement 1963. Such compliance is the measure that will be taken by STAR to ensure our compliance with the international standard and regulation.
9 Cardinal Principle
STAR as the government will strive for the progressive approach of decolonization process and advancement of our governmental system based on the Nine Cardinal Principles of the English Rajah to pave the way for the betterment of the future government of Sarawak.
(An Order to provide for the future Government of Sarawak)
[Enacted 24th September, 1941]
[Gazette 24th September, 1941]
[Operation 24th September, 1941]
WHEREAS IN A PROCLAMATION dated 31 March 1941, We pronounced Our Will and INTENTION to commemorate the Centenary year of the government of Sarawak by English Rajahs by terminating for ever the Era of Autocratic Rule which has so far characterized OUR GOVERNMENT and by substituting therefor a CONSTITUTION whereby to bind Ourselves and Our Heirs and Successors in such manner as to ensure that Our BELOVED SUBJECTS shall ultimately enjoy their inherent right to control their own lives and destinies.
AND WHEREAS We are profoundly conscious of the responsibilities that are Ours by reason of the possession and enjoyment of Our UNIQUE HERITAGE by virtue of which We have become the TRUSTEE for the time being of the lives, welfare and future of persons of diverse races and creeds who are Our Subjects.
AND WHEREAS it appears to Us that the people of Sarawak have not yet attained that sufficient degree of advancement and education which would permit Us, with a proper and conscientious regard for their benefit and interests, to release to them the power of the governance of themselves.
AND WHEREAS, nevertheless, it seems to Us to be now right and proper that a step forward should be taken in the direction of the ultimate goal of the self-government of Our people.
AND WHEREAS, We do this day sign this Order which will inaugurate a CONSTITUTION designed to introduce into Sarawak a system of Government which we are convinced will contribute to the happiness, welfare and prosperity of Our people.
NOWTHEREFORE IS IT MEET that we should PRONOUNCE and DECLARE the PRINCIPLES of GOVERNMENT which have actuated Our predecessors and Ourselves during the one hundred years of the rule of the English Rajahs. And We do urge that these same PRINCIPLES which have brough peace and containment to Our people may serve to guide the MEMBERS of the COUNCILS of STATE who will hereafter be responsible for the good Government of Sarawak.
LET THE CARDINAL PRINCIPLES of the Rule of the English Rajahs as set out hereunder, therefore, ever be remembered:-
1. That Sarawak is the heritage of Our Subjects and is held in trust by Ourselves for them.
2. That social and educational services shall be developed and improved and the standard of living of the people of Sarawak shall steadily be raised.
3. That never shall any person or persons be granted rights inconsistent with those of the people of this Country or be in any way permitted to exploit Our Subjects or those who have sought Our protection and care.
4. That justice shall be easily obtainable and that the Rajah and every public servant shall be freely accessible to the public.
5. That freedom of expression both in speech and in writing shall be permitted and encouraged and that everyone shall be entitled to worship as he pleases.
6. That public servants shall ever remember that they are but the servants of the people on whose goodwill and co-operation they are entirely dependent.
7. That so far as may be Our Subjects of whatever race or creed shall be freely and impartially admitted to offices in Our Service, the duties of which they may be qualified by their education, ability and integrity duly to discharge.
8. That the goal of self-government shall always be kept in mind, that the people of Sarawak shall be entrusted in due course with the governance of themselves, and that continuous efforts shall be made to hasten the reaching of this goal by educating them in the obligations, the responsibilities, and the privileges of citizenship.
9. That the general policy of Our predecessors and Ourselves whereby the various races of the State have been enabled to live in happiness and harmony together shall be adhered to by Our successors and Our servants and all who may follow them hereafter.
Sarawak protest against British annexation
Among the messages was the following telegram, dated 7 June 1946, from Datu Patinggi and Presidents, Malay Union and Dayak Association of Sarawak to Rajah Muda, 31, Prince Albert Road, Regent's Park, N.W.8:
"Dayak and Malay communities throughout Sarawak protest against false report regarding cession. We stand resolutely against cession and strongly and wholeheartedly desire Raj of Sarawak must not be ended. We invoke Atlantic Charter points 2 and 3 to uphold our cause for sake of international justice and integrity. We request Your Highness and your honoured father to intercede to champion for retention of Sarawak's independence intact, if necessary even to United Nations Organisation till success is achieved. We pledge and reaffirm our full support and allegiance. Please contradict report detrimental to independence of Sarawak by using this statement which we freely empower Your Highness to use for broadcast or publication. If our independence is violated, what do the Atlantic Charter, United Nations' Organisation and Political Will of Sir Charles Brooke stand for?"
When the first British Governor, Sir Charles Arden Clarke, arrived in Kuching he received the following letter of protest against the annexation of Sarawak:
"Your Excellency,
With the greatest respect we, the Datu Patingi, senior Native Chieftain of all the Indigenous Peoples of Sarawak, and the President of the Malay National Union of Sarawak on behalf of the Malay and Melanau communities of the State, would remind your Excellency that for the past hundred years Sarawak has been administered by the Brooke family. Each of the three Rajahs has ruled by the will and with the consent of the indigenous peoples, and their rule has been essentially just and considerate. They have regarded themselves as exercising a trust on behalf of the people of Sarawak to whom the country belongs.
Rajah Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, however, has sought to cede Sarawak to the British Crown by employing the 1941 Constitution to his own advantage. There was no justice in this act, which constitutes a breach of faith with the people.
Furthermore, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke had no power whatever to offer cession. The Constitution was never devised for such a purpose, but was enacted to advance the welfare and progress of the people. The acceptance by His Majesty's Government of such a cession from Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, which purports to make Sarawak a British Colony, is not valid, and such an act is not only inconsistent with the Constitution but is also a breach of international law. The indigenous people throughout the entire country reject this act of cession and no matter how many council meetings may be held and no matter what other means may be employed, the people will remain adamant in their attitude and will never agree to cession.
The vote of the Native communities at the State Council meeting recently held to discuss the cession proposal accurately reflected the attitude of the people, that is to say, the cession was not agreed to by the majority of the people.
We respectfully request Your Excellency to convey to His Majesty's Government an expression of the wishes of the indigenous people and of their opposition to cession. We trust His Majesty's Government will give their most careful and just consideration to our request and that they will bring the matter to the notice of His Majesty the King so that he may revoke the cession by the exercise of the powers conferred on him by clause 4 of the Sarawak Cession Order in Council of 26th June, 1946, and that His Majesty will thereby restore to Sarawak the independence it has enjoyed hitherto under the protection of the British Crown.
The right of succession to the Raj of Sarawak in accordance with the wishes of the people of the country to whom it indisputably belongs, is vested in the heirs of the Brooke family, that is to say, His Highness the Tuan Muda, Bertram Brooke, and his son the Rajah Muda, Anthony Brooke.
We respectfully sign ourselves
Abang Haji Abdillah,
Datu Patinggi
Abang Haji Zaini,
President, Malay National Union Of Sarawak ".
This letter had no effect whatever on the British Colonial Office, but this lack of response did not stop the anti-cession movement growing.
Sarawak rights Agenda
When Malaysia Agreement 1963 was signed in London on 9th July 1963 by Sarawak, Sabah and Malaya together with Singapore (who left in 1965 & so will be left out from hereon), UK & Ireland, it was the intention of the colonial British to transfer trusteeship over the countries of the Borneo States to Malaya PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT all the terms agreed in Malaysia Agreement 1963 and its corresponding reports be adhered to.
Malaya failed to be a trusted trustee and instead of acting in its "guardianship" role, Malaya robbed the Borneo States of all (except for Sarawak's very shaken gate of immigration) their inheritances.
A trusteeship arrangement was put in place to protect the Borneo States and maintain our status whilst advancing our administration and economies to one day take back and be responsible over our own affairs when matured.
However, after 53 years, what our trustee the Malayans did was to keep us in abject poverty so that we can never be competitive nationally and internationally so we can never be "matured" enough to say "I'm now of age, return all my inheritance to me. I don't need a trustee anymore."
No constitution nor law of any sort can override the initial Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the corresponding reports because these serve as the engineering foundation drawings for the building of the Federation of Malaysia.
When Singapore left, the building was simply scaled down to fit the reduced land area. The engineering foundation drawings should have been looked through and re-drawn again but this was never done. Instead many other amended drawings were submitted and passed to change and substitute the original engineering foundation drawings (Malaysia Agreement 1963).
Once a building is up (Federation of Malaysia) based on the original engineering foundation drawings (Malaysia Agreement 1963 & it's reports) no amount of amended and substituted drawings (all subsequent amended added or varied constitutions and laws etc) can ever change the initial foundation UNLESS the whole building is demolished and fresh drawings are submitted and everything built from scratch.
And so for Sarawak to take back her full rights according to Malaysia Agreement 1963 & the reports, she must sit down with the original architects and engineers and go through where and when the defects started appearing and immediately fix it.
No need for Malaya to "agree" to "return" any of the autonomous powers we seek because it has already been enshrined within. The trustee made a grave mistake in the discharge of her duties to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries have the right to question (without any court ruling or additional laws) the trustee and ask for the reinstatement of rights & benefits.
We need a team of good lawyers who can think out of the box and away from any shadow hanging over our heads to bring this matter to the next level. We therefore call on all lawmakers to stay in contact with me and let's take this to the next level to champion the restoration of Sarawakians' Rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963, IGC Report and recommendation of the Cobbold Commission.
Sarawak Constitutional Agenda
1. To enforce Article VIII of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 to :-
Pass a Resolution that Amendment A354 sec 2., be repealed to restore the status of Sarawak to her original position (Negara - 1 of 3) and not Negeri ; retrospectively to 27 August 1976.
2. A resolution to amend Article 160 of the Federal Constitution : definition of the Federation , to read :-
'...The Federation means the Federation established under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 ...'
and expunge/repeal the definition :-
"......The Federation means the Federation established under the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1957..."
Until these 2 constitutional articles are repealed , Sarawak (including Sabah) will remain the 12 & 13 states of Malaya contrary to the intentions of our founding fathers under MA63.
3. Educating the public regarding the lifting of the Emergency Proclamation
The Emergency Proclamation which was lifted on Nov 23, 2011 and the legal requirement for six months lapsed on May 24, 2012. By May, 2014, twenty-four months would have lapsed.
4. Rejecting Act 750 and Reclaiming Sarawak rights of resources.
As at May 24, 2012 Petronas is no longer the “legal owner” of the Sabah and Sarawak territorial waters. This is due to the Emergency Proclamation which was lifted on Nov 23, 2011 and the legal requirement for six months lapsed on May 24, 2012. By May, 2014, twenty-four months would have lapsed.A full two years of non-activity on the part of the state government of Sabah and Sarawak is appalling.
The Federal Government had tried to rectify their mistakes by tabling Act 750 under the Malaysia Territorial Sea Act 2012, and passing in parliament in June 2012.
This was done two months after the legal requirement had lapsed.
The interesting thing is that this Act 750 is unconstitutional yet it received the Royal Assent on June 18, 2012. It was gazetted on the 22nd of June 2012.
Act 750 is unconstitutional because under Section (1) Sub-Section (2) it states: “This Act comes into operation on 22nd June 2012 and shall apply throughout Malaysia”, which means that it also applies in Sabah and Sarawak territorial waters.
The question arises however when the limits of territorial sea is set to 3 nautical miles by Section (3) Sub-section (3) of Act 750 which states:
“For the purpose of the Continental Shelf Act 1966 [Act 83] and the Petroleum Mining Act 1966 [Act95], the National Land Code [Act56/65] and any written law relating to land in forced in Sabah and Sarawak, any reference to territorial sea therein shall in relation to any territory be construed as a reference to such part of the sea adjacent to the cost thereof not exceeding 3 nautical miles measured from the low-water line”.
This Section (3)(3) of Act 750 is the same as the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No.7 of 1969 which is no more applicable after the Emergency Proclamation was lifted.
The Emergency Proclamation which was lifted on Nov 23, 2011 and the legal requirement for six months lapsed on May 24, 2012. By May, 2014, twenty-four months would have lapsed.
4. Rejecting Act 750 and Reclaiming Sarawak rights of resources.
As at May 24, 2012 Petronas is no longer the “legal owner” of the Sabah and Sarawak territorial waters. This is due to the Emergency Proclamation which was lifted on Nov 23, 2011 and the legal requirement for six months lapsed on May 24, 2012. By May, 2014, twenty-four months would have lapsed.A full two years of non-activity on the part of the state government of Sabah and Sarawak is appalling.
The Federal Government had tried to rectify their mistakes by tabling Act 750 under the Malaysia Territorial Sea Act 2012, and passing in parliament in June 2012.
This was done two months after the legal requirement had lapsed.
The interesting thing is that this Act 750 is unconstitutional yet it received the Royal Assent on June 18, 2012. It was gazetted on the 22nd of June 2012.
Act 750 is unconstitutional because under Section (1) Sub-Section (2) it states: “This Act comes into operation on 22nd June 2012 and shall apply throughout Malaysia”, which means that it also applies in Sabah and Sarawak territorial waters.
The question arises however when the limits of territorial sea is set to 3 nautical miles by Section (3) Sub-section (3) of Act 750 which states:
“For the purpose of the Continental Shelf Act 1966 [Act 83] and the Petroleum Mining Act 1966 [Act95], the National Land Code [Act56/65] and any written law relating to land in forced in Sabah and Sarawak, any reference to territorial sea therein shall in relation to any territory be construed as a reference to such part of the sea adjacent to the cost thereof not exceeding 3 nautical miles measured from the low-water line”.
This Section (3)(3) of Act 750 is the same as the Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No.7 of 1969 which is no more applicable after the Emergency Proclamation was lifted.
5. We will advise Najib or any Prime Minster thereafter that the federal government is no longer the owner of Sabah and Sarawak oil and gas reserves, but belong to the two states.
There is legal maxim ‘Nemo Dat Quod Habet’, meaning ‘no one gives what he doesn’t have’ – certainly the Continental shelf which contained the oil and gas reserves ceased to be owned by the federal government the minute the state of emergency was lifted in 2011.
This was because with the lifting of the state of emergency, both the Continent Shelf Act 1966 and the Petroleum Mining Act 1966 were no longer enforceable in Sabah and Sarawak, therefore the continental shelf was no longer belonging to the federal government to transfer to Petronas.
Without the state of emergency, the Petroleum Development Act 1974 automatically becomes unconstitutional because Article 112 (4)(b) of the Constitution clearly states that Parliament cannot be used to restrict Sabah and Sarawak from imposing royalty.
Section 4 of the Petroleum Development Act 1974 provides that the corporation (Petronas) can only make ‘cash payment’ which also means it cannot pay ‘royalty’, therefore it is very clear Parliament was used to pass the Petroleum Development Act 1974 to restrict Sabah and Sarawak from imposing royalty on its own oil and gas – as the result the Petroleum Development Act 1974 is unconstitutional.
The federal government may counter argue that Parliament in 2012 passed another Act – the Malaysia Territorial Sea Act 2012.
But then again this Act is unconstitutional, firstly because both the Continental Shelf Act 1966 and the Petroleum Mining Act 1966 were no longer enforceable in Sabah and Sarawak and secondly, in Section 3(3) of this Act, the federal government encroached into state land laws without the consent of the respective state governments.
Parliament in not supreme in Malaysia, only the Constitution is supreme and the Constitution is very clear that land is a state matter, therefore, Parliament cannot simply pass any law that they please.
6. Malaysia Agreement 1963 as an International Agreement
Malaysia Agreement 1963, is an International Agreement signed by the governments of the United Kingdom, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya.There’s a need for all parties to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 to come together and discuss the constitutional document. Since Singapore has left the Federation, the parties to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 – principally, Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya — would have to come together and discuss it. Malaysia Agreement 1963 cannot be revoked just because Singapore left. Federal legislation cannot impinge on Sarawak’s rights.
Malaysia Agreement 1963 cannot be amended either through the Federal Constitution. It’s above the Federal Constitution. That’s why we object to being called the 13th state (Sabah the 12th). The issue of being the 13th state doesn’t arise. It must be recalled that Malaysia Agreement 1963 was originally dated August 31, 1963 and when the date had to be changed to September 16, 1963, all the five governments concerned had to come together again and amend the Agreement. This shows that Malaysia Agreement 1963 cannot be simply amended. The governments concerned have to come together again and agree.
Political rights Agenda
1. Increase the voter turnout of the election by helping, assisting and educating the people about their democratic rights to vote and getting involve in the process of election by constructive collaborating with NGOs and governmental agencies. The objectives will be to achieve more than 90% voters turnout in each election and by-election. Steps that will be taken;
a. Voter registration station at various events
b. Mobile registration station
c. Assisting the "outstation" voters to come back to Sarawak for the election
d. Proposing the electorate working and living in Malaya, Sabah to cast their vote through postal voting
e. Assisting the electorate living outside of Malaysia to vote.
2. Collaborate with the Government, NGOs and activists to ensure peaceful election throughout election period and voting day. Ensure that the mechanism and process thereafter is justified and in compliance with the democratic process. We also will seek the improvement of the election and democratic process. Ensure that there is no vote buying, vote rigging, cash-for-votes, bribery and intimidation tactic before, during and after the election. We will give full co-operation with the police and the Election Commission to get to the bottom of any allegations, regardless of whether the aggrieved parties are from the ruling coalition, the opposition or independent candidates. The Election Offences Act 1954. Section 10 of the Act clearly stipulates that attempts to bribe voters using cash or offers of cash is illegal. Vote-buying undermines the Parliamentary democracy which this country is founded upon. The practice should be nipped in the bud and has no place in a healthy democracy. In the meantime, we will continuously enhance public awareness on democratic and electoral processes. It is only through such efforts can we educate the general members of the public as a whole about how democratic processes should function.
3. Educating and ensuring the populace to understand the change of status of all partner in the Federation of Malaysia through the formation of the Federation of Malaysia in 1963 as per Final Conclusion of the United Nations Mission in 14 September 1963, whereas:-
a. British - Settler
b. Federation of Malaya - Trustee (Trusteeship transferred from the British)
c. Sarawak - Trust Territory
d. Sabah - Trust Territory
e. Singapore - Trust Territory (Complete decolonization process through Separation Agreement in 1965)
4. Ensure only Sarawak-based political party under the leadership of Sarawak people to govern Sarawak. Rejecting all Malaya-based element in interfering with Sarawak political sovereignty directly or indirectly.
Fighting corruption at all corner through the right platform and judiciary process.
Economic Development Agenda
1. Free Market Initiative where the people can give and collect freely all the items, goods, products, food etc. for the wellbeing of the poor and needy.
2. Memperkasakan Pusat Industri Nipah dan Hab Pengeluaran Gula Apong melalui Unit Pembangunan Usahawan dan Industri Halal dengan menyelarasan bersama agensi-agensi seperti Jabatan Pertanian, Lembaga Pembangunan Pertanian Bersepadu (IADA), MARDI dan FAMA dalam menyalurkan bantuan seperti peralatan serta perkakas untuk memproses gula apong, pembungkusan dan pemasaran produk gula apong.
Melantik CRAUN Research untuk menjalankan penyelidikan bagi mengkaji kaedah untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran nira (air sadap) serta kaedah memproses gula apong, cuka nipah dan produk-produk lain.
Mendirikan Pusat IKS bagi industry berasaskan nipah.
Kawasan-kawasan berdekatan dengan kampung-kampung yang bergantung dengan pengeluaran gula apong ini akan diwartakan
Pelancongan "homestay" di dalam kawasan nipah
2. Reducing cost of living
3. Abolishment of the federal taxation through 6% of GST in Sarawak.
Religious Freedom Agenda
Sarawak will adopts the same attitude toward all belief groups. In other words, regardless of one’s belief, both that person and their belief should be under state protection. As agreed in the Inter-Governmental Committee Report and Malaysia Agreement 1963, we will ensures the freedom of religious belief.
Media Reform Agenda
Utmost freedom and rights for the various media in the country and journalists to do there independent works and tasks in compliance with civil rights and freedom of information.
Youth Development Agenda
1. Young Leader Initiative by preparing a platform for the young leader to become future leader of the country.
Development and Technology Agenda
1. Sistem Teknologi Membran Osmosis Balikan
Memperkenalkan mesin rawatan air seperti Sistem Teknologi Membran Osmosis Balikan untuk menghasilkan air minuman bersih dan selamat untuk diagihkan kepada penduduk.terutama mangsa banjir dan kemarau. Sistem ini berupaya memproses sumber air daripada sungai, bawah tanah, air telaga tiub, air payau dan sumber air keruh yang boleh diminum terus tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu. Bagi sebuah mesin ia boleh menghasilkan 5,000 liter air dan membekalkan kepada 1,000 orang sehari. Setiap mesin dianggarkan berharga lebih kurang RM60,000.
2. Grass-Lined Green Railways
Introducing public transit greenways such as trams and railway by incorporating landscaping into good urban design. These swaths of green technology will provide a host of benefits to any urban area, like reducing urban heat island effect, providing a permeable surface for storm water to infiltrate, and reducing pollution. And it do aesthetically appealing.
3. Rural Electricity Scheme (RES)
4. Gravity-feed water supply
Disaster Response Agenda
1. Sistem Teknologi Membran Osmosis Balikan
Memperkenalkan mesin rawatan air seperti Sistem Teknologi Membran Osmosis Balikan untuk menghasilkan air minuman bersih dan selamat untuk diagihkan kepada penduduk.terutama mangsa banjir dan kemarau. Sistem ini berupaya memproses sumber air daripada sungai, bawah tanah, air telaga tiub, air payau dan sumber air keruh yang boleh diminum terus tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu. Bagi sebuah mesin ia boleh menghasilkan 5,000 liter air dan membekalkan kepada 1,000 orang sehari. Setiap mesin dianggarkan berharga lebih kurang RM60,000.
Wildlife Conservation Agenda
1. Heavy protection of the threaten and endangered species of wildlife in Sarawak in the face of illegal, uncontrolled poaching and the loss of its habitat. Implementing captive breeding and others conservation works.
2. Increase and promoting scientific research in Sarawak.
3. Promoting, sustaining and improving nature reserve and protected area across Sarawak
Healthcare Reform Agenda
1. Rural Clinic Initiative
Building and Improving the Rural Clinic across Sarawak
Environmental Reform Agenda
1. Banning polystyrene container usage
Education Reform Agenda
1. Teaching and educating the people about the history of the formation of the Federation of Malaysia by introducing a courses, seminar and a new chapter or a new historical book altogether. The history of the formation of Malaysia is practically absent from the national education curriculum for the last five decades without any reason given. Most Malaysians are clueless about the Malaysia Agreement 1963, having no idea that Malaysia was established based on the protection and safeguards for Sabah and Sarawak and these were agreed upon by the Malaya Parliament on Aug 20, 1963 and incorporated into the Malaysia Constitution.
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