On 3rd August 2016, the Suarah Petroleum Group’s (SPG) SPG president Hamin Yusuf was quoted as saying the majority of senior jobs in Petronas are filled by non-Sarawakians and there is a continuous influx of Malayans filling the lower level jobs. His concern was further exacerbate on the abolishment of 29 permanent positions that resulted in the retrenchment of 13 experienced staff from Sarawak by Petronas in its upstream restructuring exercise in Sarawak.
It would be in the interest of all people to understand the constitutional breached of rights on this matter concerning the people of Sarawak to ensure educated insights so that the right implementation of rectification can be ensue to safeguard Sarawak at all costs.
Let us refer to the IGC Report which outline the formal and documented agreement for the special interests of Sarawak. In Chapter III of the Proposed Constitutional Arrangements, the special interests of Sarawak regarding control of immigration was being outlined in paragraph 16 in details.
In paragraph 16 (g), the following arrangements should apply: -
(g) the Federation Government should give an assurance that labour for federal projects in the Borneo States will not be recruited from outside the State if adequate local labour is available and that it is not the intention of the Federal Government in its control of immigration to hinder the recruitment of persons from outside Malaysia as experts or technical advisers or for the purpose of employment by the Governments of the Borneo States.
It was clearly set out in the IGC Report, paragraph 16 (g) that the labour for the jobs and posts in Petronas located in Sarawak territorial waters will be given to Sarawakians as an utmost priority. The jobs and posts at all level must be filled by Sarawakians and we all know that adequate local labour is more than enough to be recruited. So, there should be no quota system for Sarawakians to filled the jobs in Petronas because as soon as the adequate labour is available, the jobs and posts will be filled by Sarawakians immediately. This mean, all the jobs and posts in the end will be filled by Sarawakians at all level, at the rate of 100%! This is our rights and agreed between the Governments concerned.
If the situation in Petronas was not being rectified and being address properly, Sarawak Government can revert back the power over External affairs,etc* back to the Sarawak Government.
In Annex A, the External affairs,etc* was the responsibilities of the Federal Government but subject to the undertaking on Immigration set out in paragraph 16 of the Report. However, if the Federal Government FAILED to undertake their assurances and undertaking on Immigration as being set out in paragraph 16, the Sarawak Government constitutionally can take over the External affairs, etc* responsibilities from the Federal Government and the power therein will belong to the Sarawak Government until the Sarawak Government give a consent to delegate the power back to the Federal Government and again based on the new conditions given through the new formal agreement (paragraph 16 (c)).
It is up to our lawmakers to safeguards Sarawakian rights to ensure 100% jobs and posts in Petronas located in Sarawak to be filled by Sarawakians. Otherwise, the purpose of the creation of the Federation of Malaysia will be a complete failure if the breached is treated as a new norm.
Pemimpin Sarawak terlalu lemah dan tidak bersikap tegas dalam menangani hal ini mengakibatkan perkara ini berlaku. Terlalu berkompromi dengan Kerajaan Malaya akhirnya menyebabkan kerugian kepada Sarawaks sendiri.