Malaysia. Report of the Inter-Governmental Committee, 1962.
Annex B. The Public Service. The Interim Period.
9. To reassure officers seconded or transferred to the Federal Public Service, and to reassure officers in the States that Borneonisation will be given first priority in the Federalised Departments, the Federal Constitution will provide for the establishment of a separate branch of the Federal Public Service Commission in each State. Subject to the directions given to them in relation to Borneonisation and schemes or service, these branches will have full authority, except as provided in paragraph 2 above, in respect of all appointments, promotions and discipline in the Federalised Departments, saving that the discipline of seconded officers will be a matter for the State Public Service Commission. The Federal Government will undertake that the members of these branches will be the members of the respective State Public Service Commissions together with not more than two members of the Federal Public Service Commission nominated by the Federal Government. These arrangements will be subject to review five years after Malaysia Day. While they are in force the State Governments will consult the Federal Government before making any new appointments to the State Public Service Commissions.
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Author: Zulfaqar Sa'adi in Hatyai, Thailand |
IGC Report paragraph 9 above reassure that Borneonisation will be given first priority in the Federalised Departments existed in the State of Sarawak alongside the Sarawak own public service departments.
Why do Borneonisation is so important for Sarawak? Some people might still in the dark about this requirement due to the ignorant of the creation of "Malaysia" itself, even after 52 long years since it establishment on 16th September 1963. The Federation of Malaysia was an set-up based on the International Trusteeship System accordingly with the United Nations Resolution 1541. The members of the Federation of Malaysia is the Federation of Malaya acting as a Trustee and Sarawak and Sabah as a Trust Territories. Each members is a country of its own with its own role to play for the success of the creation of "Malaysia". One of the reason the creation of Malaysia is actually in the best interest of Sarawak at the time of the signing ceremony of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 because the clause of Borneonisation which also comprise of public services will be assisted and speed-up. Thus, this will ensure a complete self-government drive in Sarawak because the creation of "Malaysia" is a process of decolonization of Sarawak and Sabah.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Article 4. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize that, in the enjoyment of those rights provided by the State in conformity with the present Covenant, the State may subject such rights only to such limitations as are determined by law only in so far as this may be compatible with the nature of these rights and solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare in a democratic society.
The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights also entailed the rights of Borneonisation for Sarawak as mentioned here, "the State may subject such rights only to such limitations as are determined by law only in so far as this may be compatible with the nature of these rights and solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare in a democratic society."
As we can analyze here, the State of Sarawak was subject to such rights (rights of Borneonisation) as it was already determine by law (IGC Report and Malaysia Agreement 1963) and it was compatible with the nature of the creation of "Malaysia" which was done based on United Nations Resolution 1541. United Nations Resolution 1541 promoting a drive of a full measure of self-government to be achieve by Sarawak as soon as possible and this is in complaince with the Borneonisation process and policy. Even so, the Borneonisation process and policy is a major objective which can realize a full measure of self-government in Sarawak. The Borneonisation is a policy solely for the purpose of promoting the general welfare in a democratic society of Sarawak through the formation of "Malaysia". The welfare of the State of Sarawak can only be observe properly by Sarawakians. After all, who better know our own backyard than ourselves?
Further down the road, a provision in the Federal constitution must be made to provide for the establishment of a separate branch of the Federal Public Service Commission in each State. Sarawak members of parliament (MP) in must take an assertive action to ensure that the Federal Constitution provide for the establishment of Sarawak-own Federal Public Service Commission. Such Commission must be empower through the legislative requirement in the Federal Constitution and being kept in check through the savage of time and situation to better suit the requirement of Borneonisation.
Sarawak must have our own Federal Public Service Commission and this branch is subject to Borneonisation process and will have full authority. Sarawak Public Service Commission must be fully manage by Sarawak and Sarawakian which has full authority on this matter for any appointment of public services in the Federalised Department in Sarawak. This is how it should be and this is a line of thinking when Sarawak Government gonna make any decision for the empowerment of the Sarawak State Services. This is the rights and power held by Sarawak on this particular matter.
Sarawak must have our own Federal Public Service Commission and this branch is subject to Borneonisation process and will have full authority. Sarawak Public Service Commission must be fully manage by Sarawak and Sarawakian which has full authority on this matter for any appointment of public services in the Federalised Department in Sarawak. This is how it should be and this is a line of thinking when Sarawak Government gonna make any decision for the empowerment of the Sarawak State Services. This is the rights and power held by Sarawak on this particular matter.
Any reviewing process of such policy of Borneonisation in Sarawak must strive for a better empowerment of the people of Sarawak in the public services. Even better than the current agreed term in the IGC Report and Malaysia Agreement 1963. This is how it was suppose to be.
It must be remember, it was the State Governments will consult the Federal Government before making any new appointments to the State Public Service Commissions. Not the other way around because the Federal Government has no power whatsoever in deciding any new appointments in Sarawak regarding State Public Service Commissions. The Sarawak Government must be pro-active in preserving and empower the rights of Borneonisation for Sarawak instead of listening and following the directive of the Federal Government.
Any failure of the Borneonisation process and policy is due to the weakness of the Sarawak Government if it do happen and i believe is still happening as we speak. The Federal Government also must be responsible to observe the rights of Borneonisation in Sarawak.
The failure of Borneonisation process is a failure of "Malaysia".
*New information will be continue to be added in this article at a regular basis as per requirement.
Author: Zulfaqar bin Sa'adi. Information Chief of State Reform Party (STAR).